
Hotline Phone Number: 707 500-7001

What is AA?

AA is the organization of Alcoholics Anonymous.

If you need help, want to talk to someone or find a meeting, call our local HOTLINE also called the Help Line  707 500-7001.  You can also check the Meetings page to find a meeting by day of the week.

Is A.A. for You?

Only you can decide whether you want to give Alcoholics Anonymous a try—whether you think it can help you. We who are in A.A. came because we finally gave up trying to control our drinking. We still hated to admit that we could never drink safely. Then we heard from other A.A. members that we were sick. (We thought so for years!) We found out that many people suffered from the same feelings of guilt and loneliness and hopelessness that we did. Read More About It.

Newcomer Meetings

New to AA and wonder where to start? Newcomers are welcome to attend any meeting, however there are meetings specific to those new to AA. To find newcomer meetings click here: Beginner Meetings


Sponsorship is an important part of working the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. A sponsor is someone who has made some progress in the recovery program and shares that experience on a continuous, individual basis with another alcoholic who is attempting to attain or maintain sobriety through A.A.

When we first begin to attend A.A. meetings as a newcomer, we may feel confused, sick and apprehensive. Although people at meetings respond to our questions willingly, that alone isn’t enough. Many other questions occur to us between meetings; we find that we need constant, close support as we begin learning how to “live sober.”

So we select an A.A. member with whom we can feel comfortable, someone with whom we can talk freely and confidentially, and we ask that person to be our sponsor.

Learn more about sponsorship.

Our Common Welfare

Safety is an important issue within A.A. — one that all groups and members can address to develop workable solutions to help keep our meetings safe based on the fundamental principles of the Fellowship.

Alcoholics Anonymous is a microcosm of the larger society within which we live. Problems found in the world can also make their way into A.A. As we strive to share in a safe environment, alcoholics can focus on maintaining sobriety and the group can fulfill its primary purpose — to carry the A.A. message to the alcoholic who still suffers.

Learn more about Safety and AA: Our Common Welfare

Learn more about AA Guidelines on the Internet.